Prenatal and Postpartum Peer Support - Riverside, RI

In fall of 2022 I reopened my space on Smith Hill in Providence as a resource for parents and other birth workers. I have since moved and will be co-facilitating peer support at the office of Agroterra Birth in Riverside, RI.

There is no curriculum for this time, but professional support in areas of postpartum healing, infant feeding, normalizing what to expect for the newborn days and nights. I believe parents are one of each other’s most powerful resources. This space is for parents to come as they are, support their first outings in a warm and healing place that has a few helping hands, a place to rest, tea and extra supplies. While our facilitators are available for up to date guidance on important topics parents are experiencing, the emphasis will be on creating an environment for new parents to find their confidence in the wisdom that comes through fumbling and getting to know their changed self and new baby.

Through the safety of community we find the magic that has knitted our societies together since the beginning of time.

When: Every other Thursday morning from 11:00am-1:00pm
Who: Serving: Birthing parents who are currently pregnant or postpartum, from birth up to 3 months postpartum and beyond. No strict cut offs here, if your baby is older and you would like to come, please come or check in with me so we can make a plan. Babes in arms only, this group not suitable for toddlers.
Cost: Suggested $20 per group (this is not part of the doula care covered by insurance). Please pay if you can, please still come if you are unable to.

Masks will be provided but not mandatory. We ask everyone to keep ourselves and each other safe by staying home if you are experiencing symptoms and vaccinating to prevent the spread of COVID-19.