Birth Support
Empty labor bed means we were up and movin’! Gravity and movement not only help the baby descend in the pelvis, but helps pass the time and gives the birthing person more autonomy.
Schedule a consultation to discuss my services and what kind of support you are looking for. There is no charge for this.
Prenatal Visits
There are two options to meet prenatally. The first option is in person, in your home, for my clients who agree to COVID safety precautions and prefer in person home visits. For those who prefer telemedicine postpartum visits or are having symptoms these will take place on zoom.
In the first meeting we will go over your preferences and care plan for your birth, what preparation, resources or supports you feel you need. We often discuss relaxation techniques, comfort measures, mindfulness, working with your partner and acupressure for labor. This is also a time to talk through your previous birth experiences and when to call your doula.
Often times families focus so much on preparing for the birth that postpartum is often an afterthought. In our second meeting we will make a postpartum care plan. Before this session I will send you a comprehensive plan to fill out together. We will go over physical and emotional recovery, and breastfeeding education. In addition, together we will strategize to set up your support system with the current pandemic utilizing family and community resources.
Unlimited Phone and Email Support
I want to stay up to speed with your prenatal visits and be available to you 24/7 leading up to your births. I will listen and answer questions with compassion and understanding.
One of the most important parts of my practice are the referrals I make to competent and trusted community practitioners as well as resources for pregnant people and new families. Often times people looking for more of a family centered care style will switch practices. I have worked with most of our state’s midwives, OBs and Family Medicine physicians and offer my experience with the different practices and their care models to my clients. As your doula I can help you source an acupuncturist, chiropractor, physical therapist, therapist, etc. I have spent years developing relationships and carefully listening to feedback from families to create a comprehensive and high quality resource network.
On Call For Your Labor
With unlimited phone and email support, I can help you determine signs of labor and will come to your home or the hospital (whichever you prefer) at the time of your choosing. Once I join you at your birthing location, I am with you throughout your entire labor and birth. I will offer physical and emotional support and will help you achieve the goals of your birth plan.
Immediate Postpartum
Once your baby is born, I will stay with you for approximately two hours to help establish breastfeeding and your recovery.
After You Return Home
I will provide three home visits after your baby is home. The first, will be the day or day after you are home from the hospital (or in the first 3 days if you deliver at home). The second and third will occur in the first two weeks. These will take place in person, in your home for my clients who agree to COVID safety precautions and prefer in person home visits. For those who prefer telemedicine postpartum visits or are having symptoms these will take place on zoom. Postpartum is a time when families are really suffering right now. I take a very small client load right now not only to minimize exposure, but to ensure proper postpartum transition. Together we will make the most of these three visits utilizing your postpartum plan, phone/text/email support, referrals to the community for the gentlest transition possible.
If your desire for doula care is to extend beyond these visit, I offer postpartum services at an hourly rate. Postpartum is a different role that birth support, read more here.
Please contact me for availability and rates.